Braving hot and humid conditions, more than 60 alumni and parents & families of Humboldt State recently came out to the La Jolla Shores beach for a day of community service.
"It was really inspiring to see so many members of the HSU community come out to show they're really 'Living the Pledge,'" said Tiana Arriaga, program outreach coordinator in the Office of Alumni & Engagement.
Arriaga is referring to the Graduate Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility, established by HSU students in 1987 and adopted by universities worldwide. HSU community members "live the pledge" every day through conscious decision making and participating in community service projects like the La Jolla event.
Working in tandem with San Diego Coast Keeper, participants spent the morning clearing the beach of debris, netting a total of 42.5 pounds. "That may not seem like much, but considering you're mostly finding small items, 42 pounds is quite a lot," Arriaga said.
Locals took interest, with several neighborhood residents thanking the HSU alumni and families for their work. "We even encountered a few locals who were alumni themselves. It was great to represent Humboldt State in the South Land."