Dan Sealy

'75 Natural Resources

Dan Sealy, a dedicated environmental advocate and mentor, recently retired from a fulfilling 33-year career with the National Park Service. His journey in environmental conservation began at Cal Poly Humboldt, where a career day encounter with the superintendent of Redwood National Park inspired him to apply to the National Park Service. Upon graduation, Sealy began his career at Muir Woods National Monument, a path that led him to numerous opportunities nationwide.

Sealy embodies the Forever Humboldt spirit through his giving, promoting, and volunteering at Humboldt. He serves as a cabinet member for Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation’s Boldly Rising Campaign. He is the alumni representative of Humboldt for the California State University Alumni Council. He also contributes quarterly to the Humboldt Loyalty Fund, supporting projects that enhance the student experience, like updates to the biomechanics lab to new equipment for the Coral Sea research vessel.

In addition to his financial support, Sealy volunteers with the Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC), where he collaborates and mentors student interns and serves on the board of directors. As a guest lecturer on natural resources policy at Humboldt, Sealy remains deeply connected to the University community.

His commitment to Cal Poly Humboldt and environmental conservation extends to his role as the Legislative Analyst for the NEC, where he mentors students through the Environmental Policy Internship. This program, which he started in 2013, provides students with hands-on experience in environmental policy. Sealy’s guidance helps students track legislation, write briefs, and engage in local conservation efforts.

His influence extends beyond individual mentorship. His efforts ensure that the NEC remains vibrant and forward-thinking by integrating new perspectives from students. This two-way street enriches both the organization and the interns, preparing them for careers in environmental advocacy.

Sealy's passion, kindness, and extensive knowledge have made him a beloved mentor. Sealy has been described as a dedicated supervisor who genuinely wants his interns to succeed. His support continues long after the internship ends, as he remains a resource and friend to his former mentees.

A photo of Dan Sealy