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Heather Sundblad-Rhoade, Journalism, 2003

Submitted: September 1, 2024

Heather Sundblad-Rhoade moved away from journalism and public relations and entered the world of business ownership. She purchased a retail business in August 2022 and has now been the owner and operator of a gift shop - Willow & Ash - in Forest Grove, Oregon, for two years. 2024 has been a year of milestones: She celebrated her 20-year anniversary with her husband and watched her daughter graduate from high school and move on to college to work on completing a degree in welding technology.

Jerry Von Dohlen, Geography, 1998

Submitted: August 13, 2024

Jerry helped design, map, and, build the first nationwide wireless internet with Metricom INC. in San Jose, California. Moved back to Humboldt County in 2003 and worked with Center Arts Entertainment (CalPolyHumboldtEvents), the Mateel Community Center on Reggae on the River, and, the Black Oak Ranch coordinating parking and traffic at Pignic, Earthdance, The Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival, and currently Ten Mile Creek Revival.  Currently serving as GIS Coordinator for the County of Humboldt,, providing data and internships to students with the Geospatial Certificate Program. Coordinator of the North Coast GIS Users Group. e-mail to join. 

Jon Pede, Environment & Community (Social Sciences), 1990

Submitted: August 13, 2024

Jon Pede retired from education after 33 years. He was a teacher (special education), assistant principal, district-level administrator, professor, and ending as middle school principal. He loved every minute of it and is now looking forward to a quiet life without a whistle, walkie-talkie, and school bells. 

Stephanie Rosier, Psychology, 2014

Submitted: August 13, 2024

After graduation, Stephanie worked as a senior client advocate at Humboldt Domestic Violence Services. She then moved on to work as the Early Recovery Specialist at Aegis Treatment Centers in Ventura, California, for six years. In 2022 she moved to Missoula, Montana, where she continued to utilize the skills she learned obtaining her Psychology degree at Humboldt, acting as a mental health coordinator for Missoula County.

Karen Partch (Beal), Social Work, 1983

Submitted: August 13, 2024

Karen retired in December 2023 after a long career in both teaching preschool early on and then in social work for 34 years. She worked in adoptions, child protective services, and the bulk of her career as an advocate for children and adults with developmental disabilities. In addition to her paid career, she was a volunteer youth leader through various churches for over 25 years. She is now a California State Parks volunteer and enjoys having more time to be outdoors and engage in her hobbies.

Danielle Cenotti, Recreation Administration, 2018

Submitted: August 12, 2024

Danielle spent two seasons working at a Bear Observatory in Alaska before the pandemic.  After substitute teaching for a few years to get through the pandemic, and working one season at Redwood National Park, she started working outreach and event planning for the Social Work Department at Cal Poly Humboldt. She has been married for over a year and earned a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Kenneth Norris, Journalism, 1989

Submitted: August 10, 2024

With his beautiful wife of 30 years, TJ, Ken is spending his "gap years" between a 40-year career in journalism and retirement serving in the Peace Corps in Thailand. At a rural South Thailand community, Trang Province, he teaches English to the grade equivalents of American Kindergarten to junior high. Additionally, he is helping train Thai teachers to be better English speakers and teachers, to promote a better understanding of Americans in Thailand, and to promote a better understanding of Thailand to Americans, specifically family, friends, and social media followers.

Albert Ochoa-Castillo, Chemistry, 2022

Submitted: June 17, 2024

Albert is currently in the second year of his PhD studies at Colorado State University, focusing on the fundamentals of plant cryopreservation. He recently received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, one of the country’s top STEM fellowship programs. Albert crafted a method to visualize sucrose in plant cells and proposed a technique for simultaneous imaging of two molecules in plant tissue. His research explores cryoprotectant-cell interactions using advanced microscopy methods. After graduating, Albert aims to teach chemistry at a primarily undergraduate institution, prioritizing research inclusion for first-generation and Hispanic students to enhance diversity in scientific fields.

Michelle Emily Nielsen, Biological Sciences, 2019

Submitted: June 1, 2024

Michelle is currently residing in Texas and is attending the Blinn Veterinary Technology Program. She will be graduating in May 2026 with an Associate of Veterinary Technology and will then take a test to receive her Registered Veterinary Technology License. 

Sandra L. Neumann, Psychology, 1995 (BA) and 1997 (MA)

Submitted: May 30, 2024

Sandra was recently awarded the University of Wisconsin system's P.B. Poorman Award for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of LGBTQ+ People. She is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at UW Stevens Point - Marshfield campus.
