Alumni Updates

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Sanford "Sandy" Wilbur, Wildlife, 1963

Submitted: March 9, 2022

Sanford "Sandy" Wilbur, columnist for "The Lumberjack" 1960-1962, is at work on a new novel, tentatively titled "Vic and Greg: a Wildlife Refuge Romance." Sample chapters are at:

Sandy's essay "Losing Lumberjack Football" includes some early history of race relations that Humboldters may not know about:

Barbara Scaroni, Forestry & Wildland Resources, 1978

Submitted: March 5, 2022

Barbara Scaroni has managed to stay a dirt forester over the many years. Scaroni is still out marking and cruising timber, administering timber sales, running property lines, and writing environmental assessments, timber sale contracts, and researching the land use history of my timber sale areas. During college, Scaroni worked summers for the BLM in Ukiah, CA; Missoula, MT; Rawlins, WY; and Susanville, CA. Scaroni worked USFS in Cave Junction, OR, and Willows CA. Scaroni had permanent jobs after graduation with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs 1980-1990; Malheur National Forest, Burns, OR, 1990-1993; Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 1993-present.

Jessie Perez, Biological Sciences, 2010

Submitted: March 2, 2022

Jessie Perez recently founded a company to help provide clean air during the global pandemic and the company would like to spread the word about a new technology that can keep people safe in the spaces they work, learn, and live.

G Shellye Horowitz, Psychology, 1995 (Social Science) and 1998 (Psychology)

Submitted: February 25, 2022

After serving in K-12 education for 25 years, G Shellye Horowitz was named associate director of education of the Hemophilia Federation of America. Shellye recently coordinated a national webinar addressing outdated scientific nomenclature of "dominant" and "recessive" in reference to x-linked diseases. This terminology is a barrier to diagnosis and treatment for women who are heterozygous carriers and manifest X-linked diseases. Patients, healthcare providers, and advocates will continue the conversation on a national level to reduce health disparities and increase access to appropriate care for female carriers of x-linked diseases.

May Johnson, History, 2018

Submitted: February 16, 2022

May Johnson has been accepted to several prestigious law schools including Harvard Law School and will likely be attending Harvard Law School starting in Fall 2022!

Timothy Rupiper, Liberal Studies Elementary Education, 2020

Submitted: February 9, 2022

Timothy Rupiper received a job as an outreach advisor for Academic Talent Search at Sonoma State University. Rupiper is responsible for providing consistent, accurate, academic advising services to first generation, low income, college bound 6th to12th grade students. Advising includes exploring academic requirements of a specific program or major and assisting students in exploring careers, evaluating academic abilities, and setting goals.

LOWELL COTTLE, Geography, 1998

Submitted: January 31, 2022

After 15 years working as an environmental consultant, Lowell Cottle moved on to work for the state at the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board as an environmental scientist. Cottle is excited to be part of a team that inspects industrial sites for compliance with state and federal water codes where Cottle can really make a difference! Cottle investigates and tracks down potential sources of pollution from stormwater exposure and works with facility owners to be in compliance with the Clean Water Act.

Joni McAtee, MD, Chemistry, 2008

Submitted: January 28, 2022

After HSU, Joni McAtee attended UC Davis school of medicine. McAtee did her residency in Family Medicine in Duluth, MN. McAtee returned to Humboldt County to work in a broad spectrum family medicine with obstetrics. McAtee opened a business in Fortuna, Ikigai Physician Group with a clinic. Working as hospitalist in Fortuna and Eureka. Working in Hospice with Hospice of Humboldt.

Mark A Rayner, Kinesiology, 1999

Submitted: January 15, 2022

After spending 15 years as a Park Ranger, Mark A Rayner moved on to his final career as Parks and Recreation Exhibit Designer/Builder in a city of one million people six years ago. Rayner's responsibilities include designing creative park features; from graphic design and engineering to signage to restoring historical features to theming entire amusement park rides, this career continues to challenge both his creative and administrative education and backgrounds all while affording his family a life living in the beautiful Redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Erik Kramer-Webb, Natural Resources, 1992

Submitted: December 25, 2021

After HSU, Erik Kramer-Webb taught environmental education at schools, summer camps, Outward Bound, and NOLS. He eventually settled down in Joshua Tree where he and his wife Theresa had a son and built a straw bale house. Erik and Theresa started California Climbing School in 2017 to lead adventures in Joshua Tree and the San Jacinto Range and to promote diversity in the outdoors.
