Submitted: February 4, 2011
I am currently pursuing a MSc. in Social/Cultural Anthropology at University College London, UK.
Submitted: January 31, 2011
Am running for one of three Ethical Advisor to the Executive Board positions for the SEIU United Healthcare Workers Union (165,000 members). Let you know if I win the election!
Submitted: January 28, 2011
I am currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Florida in the School of Natural Resources and Environment. My research focuses on primate conservation, forest management planning, and community development in Cross River State Nigeria
Submitted: January 28, 2011
After graduating from the University of Central Lancashire, UK in 2009 with a MSc in Forensic Anthropology, I have taken a job with the Humboldt County Coroner's Office as a Deputy Coroner.
Submitted: January 26, 2011
It is not really a recent update. I was in the Ecology Outdoor Group at HSU and I have continued volunteering time in the community. I generally volunteer between 300-400 hours each year. I have been chair of Keep Tift Beautiful for six years, Secretary of the Tree Board for five years, maintain four adopt a miles on my own and help on four others with different organizations. I have been Secretary for a Kiwanis Club for many years, I was on the Georgia Circle K District board as an assistant administrator for about nine years, and participated in five Circle K International Large Scale Service Projects. I have volunteered at the local, state and international level with Special Olympics. I have volunteered with paralympic sports for 17 years.
Submitted: January 24, 2011
I am now working for the California Sea Grant Program as a fisheries biologist monitoring coho salmon in the Russian River.
Submitted: January 22, 2011
One of the great things I learned at Humboldt is resiliency. I use this skill everyday while living in the country of Kuwait.
I am home- schooling my 9 year old daughter and teaching Nutrition and Sewing classes to local and foriegn children living abroad.
It is amazing to use my degree in a foreign land to help improve the quality of life for children in a developing country, over run by fast food chains and a lack of nutrition education.
Submitted: January 21, 2011
Started this month my master's program in Community Economic Development. Very exciting about it! Considering an AmericCorps Vista contract, joined the Northern California Translators Association, and volunteered to do translations for the National Parks Services for the Pacific Region.
Submitted: January 21, 2011
Currently the College Counselor and Executive Assistant to the Dean of Students at St. Bernard's Catholic School in Eureka, CA. I also freelance for the Times-Standard. Live across the street from a small, quiet forest overlooking the bay south of Eureka with my 10 year old son and seven year old daughter, three scottie dogs, a cat and a hamster.
Submitted: January 21, 2011
I miss Humboldt dearly. That was the most amazing time of my life. I got such an in-depth education. I am now a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I am the Lead Counselor at an alternative high school and am in Private Practice in Berkeley, Ca.