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Greg Collins, Anthropology, 1998

Submitted: March 21, 2011

After graduating in December 1998 from HSU with my BA in Anthropology and Geography (double major) I began working as a shovel bum for archaeological consulting firms and the U.S. Forest Service. After traveling around California as an archaeological technician for a few years, I started graduate school at CSU, Chico and completed my thesis with an emphasis on CRM and zooarchaeology. I am currently the North Coast Redwoods District Archaeologist and am stationed in Eureka. My academic and professional career has taken me full circle, and I am now raising my family in Humboldt County.

Tony Snow, History, 2009

Submitted: March 21, 2011

Immediately after graduation I worked for the Humboldt Area Foundation on different grant programs, which provided me with a wonderful experience in the field of grant writing and grant review. A year later I was invited to work with the State of California as a Native American Liaison for the Department of Transportation. I gained a lot of experience starting my freshman year at Humboldt working on campus for the Center for Indian Community Development. I believe that my degree in History has prepared me to succeed at my job. Two out of the three of our Native American Liaisons have their degrees in History.

John P Hill, History, 2010

Submitted: March 18, 2011

I was accepted into the University of Oregon's Historic Preservation Program, which is a M.S. Degree. I also received a competitive scholarship based on "academic achievement and diligence."

Scott Schindel, Anthropology, 2009

Submitted: March 7, 2011

Volunteering on a Howler monkey project in Southern Mexico.

Micah Carnahan, Wildlife, 2010

Submitted: March 4, 2011

I left school in the middle of my last semester, fall 2009, due to the birth of my son. He was born with a congenital heart disease known as Transposition of the Great Arteries or TGA. We (my wife, my newborn son and myself)were immediately flown to SF where my son would receive surgery. During our 3 month stay at UCSF I was able to keep in contact with my professors and they worked with me to finish my coursework during my stay. My son is 15 months now. He is healthy and doing great! I received my degree and quickly began interviewing for careers that could sustain my new family. Because of the skills and training I received from HSU, I was chosen from a number of candidates to be the new Environmental Scientist for the CA Department of Fish and Game's Lake and Streambed Alteration Program. I am so thankful, and proud, to have studied at HSU and to have had the privelage of learning from the best professors in the country. Thank you HSU!

Kyle C. Knopp, Politics, 2005

Submitted: March 4, 2011

Kyle Knopp (2005) works as a Senior Analyst for budget policy and intergovernmental relations in the Executive Office of the County of Mendocino. Received his Masters in Public Administration in 2009 at SSU.

Rebecca (Beckie) Menten, Politics, 2007

Submitted: February 17, 2011

Working with the High Performance Building Standards group at the California Energy Commission on reducing energy in existing buildings.

Jeremy Mills, , 2003

Submitted: February 12, 2011

In October 2010 I started working for the Yurok Tribe transportation program.

Conrad L. Huygen, Geography, 1994

Submitted: February 12, 2011

Maj Conrad L. Huygen (BA, Geography '94) has been selected for promotion to the rank of Lt Col, USAF. He is a judge advocate currently serving as an executive officer to the Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force at the Pentagon.

Traben Pleasant, Anthropology, 2009

Submitted: February 4, 2011

I am currently pursuing a MSc. in Social/Cultural Anthropology at University College London, UK.
