Alumni Updates

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Heather Sundblad Rhoade, Journalism, 2003

Submitted: January 21, 2011

Own a Cake/cupcake Business...currently working on freelancing for various publications.

Carri Ratazzi, Liberal Studies Elementary Education, 1995

Submitted: January 21, 2011

I'm living in Denver, CO with my beautiful partner of 11 years and our 2 beautiful kids (5 & 3). I am a Geriatric Care Manager with Care Management Solutions and love my work.

Norm Benson, Forestry & Wildland Resources, 1974

Submitted: January 21, 2011

Happily married. Living in N Cal.

Lately been passing along reasonably green thoughts at

Jonathan Timothy Wright, Elementary Education (Liberal Studies), 1990

Submitted: January 21, 2011

Married to Sue(Neal)Wright('88), Jonathan is in a new postion at Emmett High School in Emmett Idaho. He has moved up to Assistant Principal and Athletic Director for the 2010-2011 school year.

steve barrios, Communication, 1992

Submitted: January 21, 2011

I was at a San Jose sharks game the other night, when the people in front of me an I started talking. Come to find out they were HSU alumnus too, we talked about the old times and all the goodtimes in arcata!!!! What a small world, and what cool people go or have gone to HSU. Go JACKS

Larry Stephens, Forestry & Wildland Resources, December 1990

Submitted: January 21, 2011

Working for the California Department of Fish and Game for 12 years now enforcing hunting and fishing laws in the mountains of Southern California.

Harry Bartley, History, 1966

Submitted: January 20, 2011

As far as I know, I'm the only History major working at Tektronix. I've worked in my minor field since graduation. Drafting, Computer Aided Drafting and Computer Aided Engineering have provided a career path from teaching drafting classes at Marysville High School to providing training and support in high tech. What happened to Industrial Arts at Humboldt? Did the Spurs and Intercollegiate Knights also vanish?

Rob Slaten, Sociology, 1989

Submitted: January 20, 2011

Have two boys, Jack and Harry.

Violet Dysart, Social Science, 1981

Submitted: January 20, 2011

I don't have anything to report but I enjoyed the time I spent at HSU and loved my profs.If you hear from anyone in my years I would love an update. Thank You

John D Cherry, Wildlife, 1959

Submitted: January 20, 2011

Retired 1n 1993; was Associate Regional Director, National Park Service, San Francisco.Thirty two year career with the Department of Interior: Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and National Park Service.
